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Laser Rust Removal

What Is It?

Lasers are an effective and practical way to remove surface rust from metal-based products.

Laser rust removal is the use of high-speed lasers to eliminate particles, dust and rust from a metal good’s surface without causing damage. Using a laser to clean rust is generally safer and faster than harsher chemicals. While results vary based on the laser’s power, they’re typically equal to or better than traditional rust-removal methods.

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How Does It Work?

Each metal component has unique properties, including its ablation threshold — the least energy density needed to remove the unwanted material. An operator uses the rust-removal laser machine to reach the ablation point and break the rust’s molecular bonds with the metal.

Since the ablation point varies, operators can execute extremely precise material removal. For example, rust has a lower ablation threshold than aluminum or steel. Choosing a laser capable of meeting, but not exceeding, rust’s ablation point essentially vaporizes the surface rust while preventing damage to the substrate.

Ablation point differences allow the approach to be compatible with eliminating other unwanted surface coatings, including:

  • Manufacturing residues
  • Oxides
  • Paints
  • Contaminants

Laser cleaners for rust generally come in either continuous beam or pulsing beam. The latter offers highly effective performance and faster results without overheating the underlying component.

What Is the Process?

You can only use a laser to remove rust when the component’s substrate is metal. The laser’s high speeds simplify reaching the ablation point, breaking the molecular bond and facilitating material removal.

Laser rust removal has no clean-up requirements and can be automated, saving time and money. Other benefits make this approach increasingly popular for original equipment manufacturers, including:

  • High eco-friendliness with fewer needs for chemicals
  • More money savings with less labor-intensive processes than traditional cleaning methods
  • Increased precision, allowing the laser to reach hard-to-access areas

Production stages and applications benefitting from laser rust removal include:

  • Preparing surfaces for other manufacturing processes or coatings pre- and post-welding
  • Rescuing parts from scrap by removing and reapplying defective coatings
  • Replacing part masking through coating removal
  • Restoring automobiles

Work With Laser Marking Technologies for Laser Rust Removal Solutions

Since 2002, we’ve paved the way for customer satisfaction and durable solutions. We combine advanced technology and cutting-edge equipment with over a century of collective industry expertise. Our team backs that knowledge and experience with 24/7 customer support and comprehensive warranties.

Contact us for a free quote or connect with our support staff for more information.

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