With over 15 years of experience, Laser Marking Technologies has pioneered the process of laser marking for the cutting tool & carbide laser marking industry. As a result of extensive testing with the biggest names in the industry, our machines were the first to be approved for carbide laser marking. We developed the formulas to effectively mark carbide without raising the surface for shrink-fit tooling. We completed comprehensive trials to prevent any stress fracturing due to laser marking on carbide micro tools for the best stainless-steel carbide laser marking machines in the industry.
With this wealth of experience, we have pushed the envelope further in laser speed and automated data transfer from our customers’ SQL databases straight to the machine for automated carbide laser marking, engraving and handling of carbide and HSS (High-Speed Steel).
From desktop machines starting at $15,900 to fully automated systems under $100,000; our carbide laser marking machines have everything to meet your needs. We will provide you with the highest quality machine at the best price. Laser Marking Technologies is the company to go with for carbide laser marking and HSS cutting tools.
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