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Laser Marking Machines for Manufacturers


Laser marking technology lets manufacturers permanently engrave images, logos, part numbers and characters onto parts without compromising them. The process supports traceability and tracking, enhances product quality, reduces counterfeiting, and helps achieve other objectives. Laser Marking Technologies has industry-leading tools for laser marking any product you manufacture.




Laser marking technology has immense potential in the manufacturing industry. Lasers can be used to:

  • Engrave and mark your manufacturing pieces: These tools use a focused laser light to produce an image on the surface. Other methods use a physical tool to chemically etch, roll stamp or dot peen the surface, but these labels utilize consumables, are inefficient and can become damaged over time. Lasers are permanent markings that stay on the product after one application.
  • Supports traceability in manufacturing: Manufacturers have federal laws to follow regarding traceability because it helps determine where and when a part was produced for recalls and other actions. Lasers can produce the part numbers needed for tracking parts in manufacturing.
  • Improve the quality of your parts: Laser marking does not compromise product quality. The laser light focuses on the material and produces the desired image using short pulses and high power, which, unlike dot peen processes or chemical etching, does not damage the material.
  • Minimize counterfeiting: Laser marking creates a permanent mark that proves the product’s legitimacy. Some manufacturing sectors are limited in the type of marking they can use, so lasers are a viable option.


  • *Ablation of metals/laser-friendly materials/coatings  (removing a small amount of material)
  • *Annealing (often black)/ Color Marking (oxide precipitation on stainless steel, titanium, tool steel, etc.)
  • *Deep or Shallow Engraving
  • *Burnishing (polishing)
  • *Plastic Marking (Foaming or Carbon precipitation)


Why Choose Our Systems?


Laser Marking Technologies supplies top-quality laser equipment for manufacturers. Our laser marking tools and other equipment are advanced and cost-effective, so you can use the latest technology to create laser metal marks on your parts while maintaining your budget.

We have over 100 years of collective laser experience at our disposal, which we use to help you find the best solution for your operation based on your industry, business size and other important factors. Our team can also help you understand how to implement your laser technology, so you can use the solution to your benefit quickly.


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